Esempio di dialogo surreale, eppure reale, tra qualcosatore e startup..

Italian Qualcosator: I’m NAME from ITALIAN QUALCOSATOR I stumbled upon your profile while scouting for our open call for the CORPORATE Startup Factory, a contest with a 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗱 𝗣𝗼𝗖 for the winners. You’re already approved to apply – check it out LINK. Talk soon,

Startup: Hello, could you please tell me why we could apply?

Italian Qualcosator: Sure I would be happy to over email, connecting you to the project managers who originally identified you as a prime prospective participant in the call. If you wouldn’t mind sharing yours, I can e-introduce you today. Best,

Startup: I saw the contents of the call but we are well beyond the idea. We are in the market with our product and we are looking for business partners not to participate in brain storming. So I don’t understand why you want to get involved but this is my email.

Italian Qualcosator: Thanks for providing your email so we can go deeper on the CORPORATE call. I am introducing you to QUALCOSATOR PERSON1 and QUALCOSATOR PERSON2, who are the project managers for this opportunity. I believe they considered you an ideal applicant because we are looking not only for startups but also open innovators who might want to expand what they are doing and/or collaborate with CORPORATE in innovation. I will let you all take it from here. All my best,

Startup: Thank you for your consideration but we are not “open innovators” we are a startup that wants to do business and does not have time to participate in courses or sharing programs such as those that I think CORPORATE proposes. Please, therefore, tell us how we could do business with them because, at the moment, it is not clear to us. Thank you

While we are still waiting for an answer from the Italian Qualcosator, the date to complete the application has passed

S-blogger a tempo perso e imprenditore a tempo non retribuito.

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